I was just having a conversation the other day with someone who wondered why the moustache population spikes during the month of November. Look no farther than this link here: What is Mo-vember? Essentially, everyday men and celebrities alike put on a brave face and grow their best (or worst) moustache to raise awareness and fund raise for prostate cancer. Funny? Yes. But that doesn’t discredit it’s legitimacy: the movement funds research across 13 different countries and last year alone raised 77 million dollars for its cause. I’d always wondered how facial hair could spark such a movement.
One of it’s founders, Adam Garone explains ‘Mo-vember”s inspirational story with humour and insight:
“My life has become about a Moustache. Essentially, I’m a Moustache Farmer, and my season is November”   Â
(No time to watch it? Here’s a brief summary:  Adam talks about how his charity organization differs from others because the cause actually came later. He, his brother and a friend decided to make a November challenge for themselves: try and bring the moustache back in style and turn it into a hilarious competition in the process. It was so poorly received by their family, their employers, and their girlfriends that they decided they needed a cause to legitimize it. That’s when they started researching Men’s Health issues and found that Prostate Cancer is a leading men’s health concern. Like Breast Cancer for women, except the fundraising structures were no where near as prominent. They developed a passion for bringing awareness to this health concern and coined the phrase “Changing the Face of Men’s Health”. Adam says that the strength of Movember today comes from harnessing “Creativity, Passion, Persistence and Patience”. He wants his Mo-vember story to inspire people to make a positive change by create something significant in their own life.)