How Effective Is Your Website? Average Visit Length


I read an article in the Province last week. The article was titled, “Social Media Scrap For Space”. Essentially, it detailed the competion between social-networking and social media websites such as MySpace, YouTube, Google Video and Yahoo! Video Search. But it was the small chart on the bottom right hand side that caught my attention. It was a list of these social networking sites and their average visit length. Essentially, it is the amount of the time a visitor stays at a website.

It can be argued that average visit length is a better measurement of the effectiveness of a website than number of pages, hits or visitors. The length of time is fair evaluation of how captivated visitors are by the content on a particular website. How captivated are viewers of our videos? The average visit length to our website was 270 seconds in 2006. Since our videos are generally between 90 to 150 seconds in length, it is safe to conclude that the majority of our Video Openhouse Tours are being watched in their entirety! Essentially, as a realtor, you have the undivided attention of a potential buyer for 1 and a half to 2 and a half minutes! Your name, picture and contact information at the top of the page for the duration of a video. Video tours not only promote listings, they promote agents!